Ami Cheat's Page - BARDS TALE II


Enter the guild, then exit the guild for morning to come. Next find some illusionists and kill the front line. Now cast the "DISRUPT ILLUSION" to keep disbelieving and to gain experience.



Every game that sells well deserves a sequel, and here it is -- THE BARD'S TALE II: THE DESTINY KNIGHT. Might is not always right, but in this game it sure doesn't hurt to have some on your side. It seems that lawless mercenaries (with a bit of help from the evil Archmage known as Lagoth Zanta) have taken the Destiny Wand. The Destiny Wand has maintained peace and prosperity in the Realm for 700 years (impressive, isn't it?). You and the characters you create must find and reforge the Destiny Wand! You must then use the wand to destroy Lagoth Zanta.

The wand has been separated into seven pieces. Each piece is located in a dungeon protected by a snare. Before you can begin your quest to find the Wand, you need characters to hunt for it. You can select from seven races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, and Gnome) and ten classes (Warrior, Paladin, Rogue, Bard, Hunter, Monk, Conjurer, Magician, Sorcerer, Wizard, and Archmage). Some classes are not available to beginning characters.

You can port characters over from the last BARD'S TALE or use your ULTIMA or WIZARDRY characters. Special characters can also be introduced into your party (illusions and monsters count as special characters). Your magic users have a total of 79 spells at their disposal, and your bard has a total of seven songs that can cause strange things to happen.

With this arsenal of characters and magic you will venture out into the realm of The Destiny Knight to discover cities, special buildings, casinos, banks, taverns, temples, and the ever popular dungeon! So, buy your bard a drink, cast a Batchspell and prepare to destroy Lagoth Zanta before he destroys you! Oh, yes: Don't forget your Archmage!


Well, are you ready to find all the segments of the Destiny Wand and destroy Lagoth Zanta? I will try and keep this as short as possible. If you are just starting, you will be located in the city of Tangramayne. If your party is very weak, you will want an easy dungeon to build up its strength. Thankfully, there is a very easy dungeon located in the city.

The dungeon is located on Claymore Street. (Make sure you have an empty slot so monsters can join your party.) Just go to the far east side of the city and check the buildings to the east. In a building located in the centre of the row you will find a magician. He informs you of a noble quest that he has for you to undertake and commences to explain the details. Within his description you will notice the words "additional experience." This should be cause enough to want to find the princess. If your party is fairly strong, I would advise you to go for the harder dungeons. This one will be a waste of time.

The first level of The Dark Domain has nothing of value. Proceed to the exit. It is located at 21N 15E. If you get in a room adjacent to the one with the stairs, try a Phase Door. Head on down to the second level. (As I said before, I never found anything valuable on level 1.) There are quite a few monsters on level 2, so look out! On this level if you happen to be in the room filled with darkness try not to go to the centre. A monster is located there. I can't remember what it was. I think quite a few experience points will be bestowed upon the fortunate adventurer who kills it.

The next location to visit is 5N 12E. There you will find a winged monster that is necessary for you to rescue the princess. "Sure join the party!" Take the monster with you. There may be other ways down, but I can't see them on my map. There is a portal in the northeast corner of the dungeon (21N 21E, for you laypeople). Don't forget to cast a levitation spell.

Now you should be on the 3rd level. If you can't find a way out, just look around. You should stumble into a teleport (21N 20E) if my maps are correct. The teleport should send you to 10N 10E. Watch out for traps in this next room. I think the trap zap spell will disarm them. Make sure you move to the east. I think that walls will appear behind you blocking your retreat. There are a few wrap-around features in this dungeon: Check your location! I don't know if this is necessary to the quest, but there is a magic mouth at 3N 14E. The answer to the riddle it poses is "Mangar." Now, proceed to the stairs located at 6N 21E. There is a magic mouth here, too. The answer is "Pass." If stairs don't appear, then it may be necessary to answer the first riddle. (My maps and notes are old, so forgive me.)

Once the stairs appear, go down to level 4. There are plenty traps on this level: Be careful! There is plenty darkness, too, but never fear: This is the last level! Go to the northeast corner once again (21N 21E). There you will find a teleport that will take you to 3N 11E. Now go north. Keep going north through the doors. Ah! A hole, pit, chasm -- whatever you want to call it -- will block your way unless you have the winged monster with you. Keep going north until you reach the double doors. I think your bard will have to play a tune -- the Watchwood Melody, if I remember correctly -- before the doors will open. Now, go through the doors. "Argh," or some other sound is now appropriate because you have found the Dark Lord in this room! After (hopefully) defeating him, you will find the princess in another room located here (21N 11E, I believe). You have the princess! Proceed east and a teleport should put you near the stairs. I leave it up to you to get out!


Are you ready for some real fun? You might want to call this a "challenge." I have arranged these dungeons in the order in which the segments of the Wand will be found. So, it is now time to go after the first segment. At this point you can go to the Sage and spend some money on some clues, or you can come with me and get the clues for free. The first segment is located in the Tombs. The entrance to the Tombs is located in the centre of the city of Ephesus.

When you find the entrance, enter! There may be other ways of getting through this level, but this is the only one I came across. I first found a teleporter at 12N 12E. This should put you at 13N 0E. From here go north through the door, then head to the east. Keep going east until you reach a dark room. This room is full of traps.

Try this: Head east until you hit the east wall; turn south and proceed until you make it to the next wall; turn west and keep going until you hit that wall. Now turn south and go through the door. I will leave it up to you to make your way through this stuff.

The next place to go is 2N 11E. There is another teleport here that will take you to 18N 16E. From here you go to 20N 19E. Ah, no stairs...what is this? A teleport perhaps? Correct! You are now on level two at 21N 0E. At least, I think that's where you are -- this jelly stain on my map doesn't help. Hopefully, this is the right place. From here, you need to go north to 16N 0E.

Now I know where we are. Keep going north, and go through the door at the end. From here turn east and follow the hall until you get to the Keymaster. Buy the key from him, go back to 11N 2E, and face north. The stairs are to the north at 16N 10E.

Now you should be on the last level of the Tombs at 16N 10E. Head north and enter the maze. From 18N 10E follow these directions: West, north four times, east twice, south, east, and north twice. There should be a magician here playing with some fireballs. The answer to his question is "Old." Go to the door in the northeast corner and enter this room. You will now find your party at 3N 14E. From here you need to travel west to 3N 0E. The only way you can go is west and north, so you should be able to find it.

From the looks of this map, there is a secret door here. The door is on the west wall. Go through it and keep heading west through two more doors. Now go north using the door at 3N 16E. Follow the hallway to the end. The teleport at the end of this hall will put you at 10N 3E.

Congratulations! You are in the first Snare. This is an easy one. Head east until you get to 9N 9E. There is a spinner in the centre of this room. (A Nospen ring will be handy here.) Avoid the spinner. (They always confuse me.) Go to the small alcove located in the north of the room (11N 10E). Here you will find an old man who will want to join your party. Let him join and lead the party.

Now head for the alcove in the east wall (9N 12E). Have each member of your party drink from the water. Don't heal anyone. Head for the alcove in the south wall (7N 10E). Kill the toxic giant. Now, heal your party members, if necessary.

Look through the equipment your characters are carrying. There should be a torch there; give it to the old man. Now go back to where you came in (10N 3E). The first segment of the Destiny Wand can be found at 10N 8E. This segment has the ability to cast the Wizard Wall spell. Well, so much for the first segment: Prepare for the next! (Oh, you can leave the dungeon now.)

Fanskar's Castle is a really nice place. It isn't too hard, and it only has one level; so, it should be fun (easy). You do not need to go to the Sage unless you really want to meet him. Fanskar's Castle is located in the wilderness.

I never noticed this until I started writing this walkthru but the SCSI spell works fine in the wilderness. Look at the map that came with the game, and you can see Fanskar's Castle in the centre of the map (25N 17E). You might want to make a map of the wilderness so you won't have to bungle around like I did.

From the entry stairs go north until you get to 14N 0E. Go east and enter the door you see at 14N 4E. Follow the hall to the end and go through the door. Now, go west through the door and take the second door you find (20N 3E). Go north through both of these rooms and head east through the last door. Go to the end of this L-shaped room, and a teleport will take you to 17N 7E. Leave this room and start heading east.

The exit is in the northeast corner of the room. Look down this long hall (south). Go down the hall until you get to the door on the east side (the only door on this end of the hall). Go east until you get to 16N 13E. (Do not take the next door!) Then, go to the hall on the right side (starting at 15N 15E). Follow this hall to the end and go through the door at 15N 19E that heads east.

Once in this room, head north through the door at 16N 21E. Now take the door to your left, head up the hall, and enter the door that heads east (21N 19E). It's Fanskar -- kill him! (STTO will probably work the best.) After he's dead, continue going east. There is a teleport in the next room that will take you to 9N 11E.

Look to the east. You will see three doors. Take the one to your left. This takes you to 5N 13E. Go west and you will discover the second segment of the Wand. This segment will lower the armour class of whoever equips it. Wasn't that fun? Ok, so it was simple; however, wait till you see what's next!


Time to find the next segment, which is located in Dargoth's Tower: Five levels -- this should be great! The first thing is to tell you where Dargoth's Tower is: It's located in Philippi. Philippi should be on the map that came with your game.

A nice spell to have access to is the Dream Spell. In the game you won't find the code for the spell until you go after the last segment. I will give you the code now: ZZGO. The spell allows your party -- under normal conditions -- to teleport to every dungeon. When you cast the spell you will see the numbers 1 through 7. Each number stands for a segment of the Wand. For instance, if you hit the "1," you will be in the dungeon where segment one is. This is why my knowledge of the outside world is rather vague. I used this spell all of the time. It also has nice benefits in combat. Try it.

After locating Dargoth's Tower and entering it, you will find teleport traps all about. This dungeon is fairly easy to find your way around in, though. The first place to go is 13N 16E. To get there you need to go north from the entry stairs until you get to 8N 0E. From here turn east. Keep going east until you reach 8N 12E. If magic points are not a problem, you might be able to teleport around and save some time. Anyway, you will see a door to the north. Go in this room; I think it's one of those places of darkness.

In the northeast corner of this room (13N 16E) there is a magic mouth. The answer to its question is "Burn." (I think the answer to this is necessary for the stairs to appear.) From here find the stairs leading up. They are located at 4N 12E, just across the hall from your present location. There is a hidden door at 8N 16E on the south wall that lets you enter the room. Here are some quick instructions on how to get there:

From the entry (7N 16E) go south through the door, then go through the door that leads west. From this room take the door located on the north wall and enter the next room. Now, you should see a door on the west wall. Go through this door and through the door on the south wall. The stairs should be right in front of you.

Level 2 is rather crazy. I hope I can guide you through this! From the entry head west until you hit a wall. This should put you at 18N 15E. Now, go south until you hit the next wall, which should be close by -- a single step away, I think. Now you should be at 17N 15E. Go west (watch for spinners; make sure you're going west, and don't get turned around!) until you reach 17N 3E. This is 12 steps to the west from where you were. Now go south for 5 steps and you should be at 12N 3E. Go east one step. Well, you can light up now. You should be located at 12N 4E. Do not move from here! Whether you have guessed this or not, you are now situated in a very nice maze. From the entry at 12N 4E follow these steps closely:

North, east twice, north twice, west, north, east three times, and south four times (you should be at 12N 8E). Now go west, south, east three times, south, east, south twice, and east (8N 12E); north three times, east twice, north three times, west, south, and west.

You should find yourself in a room with seven statues. Examine the statues, kill them all, then exit the room. Upon exiting the room, you should be at 13N 13E. The steps to take from here are as follows:

North, east, south three times, west twice, and south three times (8N 12E again); south, east, south twice, east, north, east twice, and south. You are now out of the maze. From here (1N 14E) head west through all four doors until you get to 1N 7E. This will teleport you to 18N 7E. From here go east through the two doors. Once you are in the room (18N 9E), head for the door on the east wall, and go through it. From this room keep going straight east to the next door (19N 13E). Go through the door on the north wall, then go west where you will find the stairs! I can truly say I am glad this is finished, but there are more levels ahead.

There is nothing of importance on level 3, so it should go by quickly. From the stairs head through the door on the south wall, then go west until you reach 18N 4E. Turn south, go down to the door on the east wall, and go through it. Turn south, and go down the hall that leads westward. Follow the hall until you get to 10N 1E. From here go south until you reach the intersection (5N 1E).

Turn east, go forward, and take the first door on your left (5N 4E). Your party should be at 6N 4E. Head west through the wall. You will now be met by another magic mouth. The answers are: "Earth," "Compassed," and "Fountain." By answering this you have gained access to the next level. Go back through the wall, and go to the upper northwest corner of the room (7N 2E). Go through the north wall. There will be a portal leading upward ahead of you at 9N 2E. Take it to level 4.

Once you enter this level, head west. The hall will turn north, and then east. Follow it until you find the northern opening. Once through this go back west to the end. When you go north, you will enter some maze-like passages. Walls will tend to form behind you. Make your way east until you find the dark area and the exit. By the way, there is a secret door at 14N 11E that will help you. The stairs are at 19N 18E (you may be able to teleport and save time).

Time for the final level. Make sure each member of your party has room for new items. You should be in an area of darkness. The exit is on the south wall at 17N 20E. Teleport and phase door spells will not work on this level. You need to find 12N 9E which will teleport you to 5N 20E. You will (if memory serves me correctly) have to answer a riddle. The answers are water, lie, slave, gold, hate, rooster, large, early, bard, and women. Enter the answers in this order.

Go through the door at 6N 21E that leads to the east. Go to the end of the hall, then go back out the door. Do this a total of five times, and you should get this message: "Turn right at the joke, then right, then ahead, then left twice, ahead twice, right, and left. Drop all your items, or you are lost. Cry Havok, and let slip the dogs of war. Kill off your spell casters, and you'll be saved."

Make sure you go to the end of the hall each time. I don't know if this is required to finish the level. After you receive the message, go to 3N 0E. You can get there by going through the door at 5N 20E and then going through the door at 3N 21E. This is where the message's directions start. Follow them (except for the part about killing your spell casters). The directions should lead your party to 0N 1E. You will find a statue that will come to life. Answer it with "Havok!" The statue will give everyone a dagger.

Now, take the door north, and you will be teleported to 5N 21E. See the door at 6N 20E that leads west? Go through it. Go to the southwest corner of the room, and you will get the message: "Look at the wall!" There should be a door there on the west part of the wall. Head through this door, and you will find the next segment of the Wand. This segment casts the spell, Wizard War.


The Maze of Dread is located in Thessalonica. Once on level one proceed to 1N 21E. Here is an elevator that will take you to the next levels. Press "2."

On level 2 there is a riddle located at 15N 10E. When answered correctly, you will be given the Sword of Zar. The answer is "Der." I don't know if this is necessary to complete the snare. The sword is nice to have, though: It doesn't have to be equipped, and you can throw it at your enemies, doing some nice damage. Head back to the elevator located at 1N 21E and press "3."

You are now on the final level. There isn't much to do here except to go to the snare and get the Wand segment. There is a teleport located at 8N 17E that will let you enter the snare. It will teleport you to 16N 4E (this will be real fun!). Go to the door at 21N 4E.

Follow the corridor until you reach the end. (You will get something the first time through.) Go back, go through the door at 20N 6E, and from here find 17N 7E, where you will receive another message. Retrace your steps back to the end of the corridor where you received the vial. Do this a total of ten times (go back and forth), then go to the small room located at 19N 2E. (I don't know if this part is necessary, since I will be giving you the answer.) Go back to 17N 7E and answer "endurable."

Finally enter the little room at 19N 7E (right across from the last room), and that's it! You should now get another segment of the Wand. This segment can cast the Wind Mage spell.


Before you go looking for this place, you must find Kazdek. He has something you need. He is located in the wilderness between Thessalonica and Colosse. The fortress is located in Corinth.

No need to do much of anything on the first level. Just go north through the door (from the entry stairs), and keep going until you get to 7N 0E. Turn east and PHDO through this wall. Go forward, and enter the room you see at 7N 4E. Answer "Fire," "Krill," and "Silence." Exit the room, turn west, go to the wall; then, turn north, and go forward until you reach 8N 1E. This will teleport you to 18N 1E.

From this location head south until you get to 13N 1E; turn east, and go through the door that you will come across after about three steps east. After going through this door, turn north, go one step, then go through the door located to the west. Head north, and go through this door.

From here (16N 4E) head east until you get to the wall; then, go south until you reach 12N, turn east, and go forward. There are stairs at 12N 10E leading down to the next level.

On level 2 go north through the door at the end of the hall. You will find yourself in a room filled with doors. Take the door to the north (2N 11E). At 3N 11E go north, east twice, and north. Turn east, and find the east wall. Follow the east wall north to the door at 11N 14E. Go through this door, then through the door on the north wall (12N 14E). Go through the door on the west wall, head north through this door, then east through the next door.

Whew! You should be at 16N 13E. Go through the door on the north wall, then through the (secret?) door on the west wall located at 19N 13E. After going through this door, go north, then start going east. Keep going east until you go through the door at 21N 18E. There is a secret door on the east wall at 20N 19E. Go through this door, and enter the small room at 20N 21E. The answer to the riddle is "Dervak."

Retrace your steps all the way back to 11N 14E. Some fun, huh? Now, head west. There are spinners and traps all around here. The stairs down are located at 21N 0E (yes, another level).

This one is easy. From the entry go south. Keep going until you get down to 0N 0E. Now go east to 0N 10E, then go north to 2N 10E. Turn east, go through the door, turn south, and go through the door. Follow the hall to the end, and go through the door on the east wall at 3N 13E. Go south until you reach 0N 14E, then turn east. Keep going east until you reach 0N 21E, then start heading north until you get to 10N 21E. Go through the secret door located on the west wall. After going through the door, go west all the way to 10N 1E. Move north to 12N, turn east, and enter the room at 12N 2E. The answer is "Still." Exit the room, find 13N 12E, and go through the door that leads north. The stairs down are to the west. Just keep going west; you'll find them at 14N 1E. You may find some secret doors on the walls.

On this last level, go through the door leading west. Once in the hall (I don't know if it is necessary to kill Oscon), turn south, and follow the hallway to its end (2N 0E). Enter the north door. There is a series of secret doors which will lead you to Oscon (5N 20E). From your present location, Oscon is located to the east. Just find the secret doors in each room and head east. After Oscon is destroyed (I'm sure you will kill him!), go back to 14N 21E. From here go north, and follow the hallway to its end (18N 20E).

You will find several spinners as you travel down this corridor. A nospen ring will come in handy! After you reach the end, enter the door on the south wall, and head south until you reach the wall. From here (7N 20E) head west until you hit the west wall, then head north to 8N 14E. Go west through this door and the next. Keep going west to 8N 6E, then turn north, and go through this door. Go to the end of the hall (10N 10E). You are in the snare. (Is this a walkthru or what? On most of this you don't even have to make a map!) Oh, back to business....

Go straight south, and enter the alcove. From the alcove (14N 11E) go south through the door, and enter the alcove in front of you. The answer to the question is "Rock." Exit the alcove, turn east, and keep going until you get to the alcove at 14N 14E.

Enter this alcove, answer "Scissor," exit, and start north. Don't enter the next alcove (17N 11E); keep going until you reach the one at 14N 8E. Enter this one and answer "Paper." Arrange you party so that Rock is first, then Paper, then Scissor. Go back to the alcove at 17N 11E and enter it. The answer to this riddle is Rock; so, head back to the place where you found the Rock statue, and there should be a door located there. In the room beyond you will find another segment of the Wand. This one can cast Batchspell.


The Grey Crypt is located between Tangramayne and Ephesus. I am afraid that magic will not work here. Only the SCSI spell will function. As soon as you enter level one, start exploring. The only way out of the current section is 3N 20E. I think there is only one secret door in this area. This entire level is broken down into three big rooms that wrap around, and three sections that have maze-like qualities. After you find 3N 20E, leave the area by going through the door on the north wall. Find your way to 5N 3E. This will teleport you to 13N 3E. From here go to 14N 11E and take the door north.

Now you must find a second teleport located at 15N 21E. (Notice that I am not leading you through the maze as I was earlier. You should map a bit, you know.) Anyway, once you find the teleport, it will take you to 11N 21E. Follow the hall until you get to the door at 10N 0E. Once you go through this door, you will find a series of doors. Go through the door, and keep heading east until you reach the wall at 10N 21E. Go through the door leading south, then go west until you reach 9N 4E. Turn south and go through the secret door. Turn east and keep going until you reach 8N 12E. Turn south and go through this secret door. From here (7N 12E) go west all the way to 7N 2E.

You should run into the Sphinx here. The answer is "Wize One." After answering the riddle, go back west, and keep going until you hit the wall. Turn south, and go through the door. I thought I would help you through this part because I remembered how difficult is was to map. From this point (6N 14E) find the teleport at 5N 3E. Once you have been teleported, go back to the door at 14N 11E and go through it. The stairs down are located to the west at 18N 0E.

You should be on level two at 18N 0E. This is the last level of the Grey Crypt. (Since you can't use any magic, it's a good thing, too!) Should I guide you through this or let you map? Okay, I'll guide you through. It's not too difficult. From the entry turn west and go through the secret door at 19N 21E, and keep going west. There is another secret door at 19N 19E; go through this one as well. Keep on going west until you hit the wall, then turn south and go through the secret door at 17N 17E. Turn west and go through this secret door, then turn south again and head through this door also. You should be at 16N 16E.

Go west to 16N 12E then north until you hit the wall at 21N 12E. Turn west and go to 8E. Now turn north and go up to 2N. There will be a secret door on the west wall; go through it. Now you can get to the teleport that will lead you to the snare at 6N 0E. Just keep heading north and west from where you are, and you will find it. There are several secret doors leading to the teleport, so kick the walls. Oh, and watch out for the Vampire Dragon. (He's a wimp anyway.) You should be in the area of the snare (8N 11E).

The first thing to do that will make life easier in the snare is to disarm the spinner in the centre of the snare. The trigger to disarm it is located at 0N 13E (south of where you are now). Let me try and explain this snare. I had more trouble with this one than any other. There are two small rooms located on the east and west walls. Each of these rooms contains a mage. There are four rooms in the centre of the snare. Each one is 3x3. What happens is when you go into each of the small rooms, a different set of doors opens to the 3x3 rooms in the snare. The object of the snare is to open the door to one of the 3x3 rooms, go to the centre of the room, and head back to one of the small rooms to trigger the door to the next 3x3 room. Understand? Well, it took me awhile to get this one, too, so let's try it.

First head to the room located at 4N 21E. This room contains the Grey mage. Go in the room to make sure the doors are open to the first 3x3 room you need to visit. Now it is time to start the cycle: Blue Mage (4N 11E); Grey Mage (4N 21E). Go to the first room. The entry is at 4N 14E, and the door should be on the south wall. Enter the room and go to the centre of the room. You will get a message that confirms what you are doing. Now visit the Blue Mage. Go to the second room. The door is at 6N 16E on the west wall. Go to the centre of this room where you will receive another message. Go back to the Grey Mage.

It's time to visit the third room now. The door is at 2N 16E on the east wall. Go to the centre of the room, then go visit the Blue Mage. Go to the fourth room. The door is at 4N 18E on the north wall. Go to the centre of the room. Visit the Grey Mage, and start all over again with the first room. Do this a total of three times; when you get to the fourth room on the third cycle, you should get the next Wand segment.


Could it be? The last segment? Yes! It's time to go get the last one. Ready? Of course you are! The Destiny Stone is located in Colosse.

The first thing you need to find is location 20N 6E. It is north of the entrance. Just head north. There are no secret doors, so it should not be hard to find. After finding this location, you will be teleported to 20N 10E. Go south until you reach a solid wall, then go west until you hit a wall (17N 8E). Now, just follow the corridor north. Walls will close in behind you as you start down the hall heading east. The corridor will take you to 16N 8E. Here you will have to answer a question. The answer is "Near." After answering the question, you will be teleported to 13N 8E. This is a large room. The exit to the next level is at 3N 17E.

Level two is very easy. You should find yourself in a small room at 3N 17E. Go to the northeast corner of the room (4N 18E), and kill the statue. Go to the smaller room at 3N 18E. This will teleport you to the next level.

This is it: The last level! The first place you need to find is 17N 18E. There is a secret door on the south wall. Go through it and turn east. Go through this secret door, too. Location 16N 19E will teleport you inside the snare (4N 9E). Since it will be very hard to navigate, you should map this area!

From 4N 9E turn west, go to the west wall, then go north until you hit the wall. From this point (9N 8E) go north one space, then start heading northwest to 13N 1E. Here you will be posed with a riddle. Don't worry about answering it just yet. Just answer with anything, and you will be teleported to 12N 9E. From 12N 9E go south two steps, then turn west and go through the door. The answer is "Zen Master." Let him lead the party. Go straight east to 10N 13E, which should teleport you to 10N 14E.

To exit this room go south, then go to 12N 18E, which is in the northeast corner. The answer is "Gale." Give what you receive to the Zen Master, go down to 8N 18E, and zip through the secret door to the south. You should be at 7N 18E.

Have you ever wondered what those arrows in back of your BARD'S TALE II manual were for? Well, you're about to find out. Follow the first set of arrows, and they should put you before a door to the north. Go through the door, and you will be teleported back to 4N 9E (this is where you entered the snare). Now find 13N 1E (the riddle I told you to answer wrong) and give the answer "Storm Fists." This will teleport you to 8N 14E. From here go back to the start of the maze at 7N 18E.

(Note: I think you start using the arrows at 7N 18E, but it may be at 8N 18E. If it doesn't work the first time, this is the case.) Now, use the second set of arrows, and answer the riddle again (same answer). Keep going through the maze until you've used all the sets of the arrows. After the last set is used, you will be teleported to 11N 16E. Go north, then take the door leading west at 13N 16E. The answer is "Arkast." Go north one. You get a message telling you where Lagoth Zanta is. You should also get the last Wand segment. This segment casts the Brothers Kringle spell.

After you leave the dungeon, head for the Temple of Narn. It's the building to the east of Corinth and the Sage. When you get here, give your Archmage all the segments, then forge the Wand. Now kill Lagoth Zanta! Your party is now strong enough to rise to the challenge set forth in the final confrontation: THE BARD'S TALE III: THE THIEF OF FATE!

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